Emotional Support Animals

Meet two of our most popular staff members: Stella and Lilly are our emotional support dogs and they are available to work with all of our clients. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) provide comfort for those suffering from mental illnesses and other disabilities. They can help relieve symptoms related to anxiety and panic, depression, post-traumatic stress, phobias, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, psychosis, and more.
If you are interested in obtaining an emotional support animal, or you want to register your own furry friend as an emotional support animal, Alpha Counseling Services can help you with the process. When appropriate we can create letters for our clients, enabling them to have their animal recognized as an ESA and to obtain the necessary registration, ID badges, patches, and harnesses.
ESA Service Options for existing clients :
Option #1. $35-documents fee.
Option #2. $75-documents, picture ID, registration fee.
Option #3. $125-documents, picture ID, registration, harness with patch fee.